Ok...lets finish off with the remaining five contenders for this year's best picture award.
Small town boxer defeats odds (poor background, disruptive family, being a former member of the Funky Bunch) to become Heavyweight Champion of the World. Uh, hello...Didn't they make Rocky 30-odd years ago?
Any Good?
To be fair there is just enough plot variation to differentiate this from the classic Rocky franchise. But only just. The dynamic between stepping stone fighter Micky Ward (Mark Walhberg)and Christian Bale's Dicky the drug addled brother who-could-have-been-a-contender is the core of the film. The action when it comes is more realistic then Rocky but it is secondary to Walhberg's day to day struggle to succeed despite the odds being stacked against him.
I have to say all the Oscar talk is exaggerated. Bale as usual puts his all into the role and plays a convincing crack addict but two supporting actor nominations for Amy Adams and Melissa Leo? Do me a favour. The Fighter is nothing more then a solid underdog movie with a premise that has been done a hundred times or more.
Dicaprio plays Cobb, a mind thief who gets into the dreams of the rich and powerful in order to steal secrets for big corporations. He is persuaded to do one final infiltration but for this he has to go deeper into his subconcious then ever before.
Any Good?
This film is a complete mind fuck. In a good way. I genuinely left the cinema in a bit of a daze after seeing it and not knowing if I was awake, asleep or in a dream. Genius director Christopher Nolan's grand vision is perhaps the most complicated set piece in cinematic history. A dream within a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream. Seriously. Those of you who persevere through the maze-like plot will be richly rewarded by some mind blowing visuals and a totally engrossing story that had me literally open mouthed as to where it was going next. Original, complex and thought provoking this is a bona fide classic and my choice for best picture. It won't win though.
Teenage children brought up by lesbian parents seek out their sperm donating biological father causing familial who-haa. Warning: may contain cunnilingus.
Any Good?
The other one I haven't seen. Trailer looks pretty good though. 94% on Rotten Tomatoes and an award nomination for Annette Benning can't be bad. But i haven't seen so it could be a massive turkey..but...probably..isn't.
Spunky old-before-her-years Mattie Ross' (Hallie Steinfield) father is murdered by some low down varmint over some moonshine and she sets out to hire the toughest law man in Arkansas, grizzled alcoholic Rooster Cogburn (Jeff Bridges) to track the murderer and get her revenge.
Any Good?
Moving, dark and humourous it is another Coens classic in the mould of Fargo and No Country For Old Men. Beautifully shot and with fabulous performances by Bridges, Steinfield and Matt Damon as a snobbish Texas ranger it beats the original hands down. If you liked Unforgiven you will love this. Outside bet to win.
George IV (Colin Firth) had a stammer. Problem is, as air to the throne he has to do loads of public speaking and with no opportunity to hide behind a Powerpoint presentation or some interesing looking graphs has to seek the help of speech therapist Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush) to cure him of this ghastly affliciton.
Any Good?
Twelve nominations!!!! (one for best depiction of a tongue tied royal, another for most marbles inserted in mouth) it seems the Academy has gone The King's Speech crazy. The depiction of an upper class toff struggling with his social graces must have been quite a stretch for Firth. I mean he never plays those kinds of characters does he?
Personally, I don't see what the fuss is about. I'm not a big fan of period dramas per se and whilst Geoffrey Rush is amusing as no nonsense aussie Logue who manages to get uptight "Bertie" to loosen up the whole thing smacks of an extended episode of Pride and Prejudice. After the initial odd couple akwardness is played out the film winds down into a dull story of royal obligation. I am in a minority however as the Yanks love this Royal nonsense and the cinemas are packed with old people reminiscing about ration books and when this country actually had power in the wider world. Looks likely to get the nod.
Friday 28th February 2025
3 days ago
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